Recycling & Remediation
Waste & Recycling

At Wring Group Ltd, we take our role in protecting the environment very seriously, as our ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 quality and environmental management systems demonstrate.
Maximising the recovery of materials from our activities has both economic and environmental benefits, we follow the Demolition and WRAP Protocols in order to recycle, reclaim and re-use as much of the material arising as practical.
By investing in the most up to date recycling equipment our waste management and recycling operations can be undertaken in even the most sensitive areas. We aim to recycle over 90% of the materials from any site, either in situ, in order to reduce the need for transporting material elsewhere, or through recycling processes undertaken at our own yard or dedicated recycling centres.
By recovering and recycling all types of construction materials from wood to concrete, we are able to avoid all but the most essential use of landfill; concrete can be crushed into different grades of aggregate depending on our clients’ needs, metal and timbers are processed, screened and segregated; bulky materials are removed mechanically.
Our licensed Waste Management Recycling Centre includes a facility to store hazardous substances such as asbestos, batteries, and fluorescent tubes.

The Group has a wealth of experience and knowledge in the specialist field of decontamination and remediation work on:
- Petrol stations
- Redundant farm tanks
- Petro-chemical sites
- Brown field sites
These services include:
- De-commissioning and dismantling at nuclear power plants
- De-gassing and cleaning of redundant chemical storage plants/redundant fuel tanks (both above and below ground)
- Environmental cleaning of polluted buildings including removal of rubbish, sharps and guano
- Removal of CFC gasses and refrigerants from air conditioning units and industrial refrigeration units
- Soil and ground remediation including oil and knotweed contamination
- Emergency works department – flood, fire and boat salvage call out